Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My Thoughts...

I wanted to take a minute today to help you all see where my true passion is. I was presented to the Wellness Company I am currently working for right after I was diagnosed with Papillary Carcinoma (Thyroid Cancer). They type of Cancer I have is one of the easiest types to get rid of but the emotional side of it was NOT easy by any means. It was VERY hard during all of the testing process and waiting on answers and treatment and really just everything about it was a HUGE emotional tole. I don't want ANYONE to have to go through what I have gone through. I KNOW there are MANY other Cancers out there that are A LOT worse on the body, physically. I am very thankful I did not have to endure that! Even though I did not have to endure the physical side of things, it still does not make me take the Cancer issue lightly. I take it VERY seriously as a matter of fact, even more so now. I have a way to help PREVENT Cancer and I want as many people to know as possible because NO ONE should have to go through it, whether personally or through a family member.
Cancer causing chemicals are around us EVERYWHERE! They are in our homes because of the everyday products we use. They are in the environment outside. You even get exposed doing your everyday routines. Just about every product that the average household uses, has carcinogens (cancer causing chemicals) in them. They come in forms such as chlorine, formaldahyde, phosphates, pesticides and many more. They are found in products such as Shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, dishwasher and laundry detergent, all household cleaners especially BLEACH. Lotions, perfume and cologne, makeup and the list goes on.
Did you know that 90% of childhood cancer is caused by environmental exposure to chemicals such as the ones I just listed...Also that your home is 2-5 times MORE poluted with chemicals than outside! And also that a baby in the womb is exposed to MORE THAN 200 TOXIC Chemicals BEFORE it is even born! Our families are WAY to precious to let something as evil as Cancer take them away from us. Making your home FREE from toxins is a GREAT way to help prevent cancer so you will hopefully never have to endure the loss of a loved one due to cancer that you could have prevented. PREVENTION is the key.. NOT treatment.. You don't want it to get as far as the treatment phase. I can show you a MUCH SAFER way to do your daily routines and use everyday products with out being exposed to those TOXIC chemicals, I listed earlier in this note. You can use all natural products such as bath and body, hair care, make up, household products,etc. There is NO reason to expose you and your family to the toxins when you do NOT have to! Why take the risk? Paying for the prevention is MUCH CHEAPER than having to pay for the treatment! I can help you SAVE money by using our Wellness products as well as make your home AND the environment SAFER! Make your home SAFER starting today!! Contact me at aceciab@wedeliverwellness.com

Thursday, October 14, 2010

What Is It And What Is In It?

What Is It And What Is In It?

From EPA website (plus other sources)

Air Fresheners:

What's in it?

There are four basic ingredients in air fresheners:

formaldehyde, petroleum distillates, p-dichlorobenzene, and aerosol propellants.

Air fresheners are usually highly flammable and also strong irritants to eyes, skin, and throat. Additionally, the solid fresheners usually cause death if eaten by people or pets.

Commercial air fresheners contain harmful volatile chemicalsNational Institutes of Health, 2006.

Chemicals in Many Air Fresheners May Reduce Lung Function.

Air fresheners contain phthalates, VOCs such as xylene, ketones and aldehydes86 as well as benzene and formaldehyde, both of which are known carcinogens.

BEUC (2005). Emission of chemicals by air fresheners: tests on 74 consumer products sold in EuropeBureau Europeen du Consommateurs (BEUC), the European Consumers Union, and International Consumer Research and Testing, January 2005.

Babies under six months old who were exposed to air fresheners on most days had 30% more ear infections and a 22% greater chance of diarrhea than babies exposed less than once a week. Edwards, R. (1999). Far From Fragrant. New Scientist 2202, September 4, 1999.

Mold and Mildew Removers:

What is it?

Household products that contain mold and mildew removers usually come as a liquid in a spray container. If you are old enough to do cleaning chores around your house, you've probably used a cleaner with a mold and mildew remover.

The pesticide chemicals found in mold and mildew removers are chlorine and alkyl ammonium chlorides. These pesticides are known as fungicides. The chemicals in mold and mildew removers can be very caustic. That is, these cleaners can be corrosive to objects and harmful to humans. It's a good idea to wear latex dishwashing gloves to help protect your skin when using these products. If you get some on your skin wash it off immediately.

Cleaners with mold and mildew removers may also cause breathing problems and if swallowed, they will burn your throat.

Antibacterial Cleaner:

What is it?

Antibacterial cleaners remove dirt and kill bacteria. They are commonly used in the kitchen to clean things that come in contact with food, like cutting boards and counter tops.

What's in it?

Antibacterial cleaners usually contain water, a fragrance, a surfactant, and a pesticide. The surfactant breaks up the dirt, the pesticide kills the bacteria, the fragrance makes it smell good and the water holds the cleaner together. In antibacterial cleaners the pesticides are commonly quaternary ammonium or phenolic chemicals. They are known as antimicrobial pesticides.

Antibacterial cleaners are very irritating to your eyes and skin and will burn your throat. It's a good idea to wear latex dishwashing gloves to help protect your skin when using these cleaners. If you get some on the cleaner on your skin or in your eyes, wash it off immediately.

Toilet Cleaners:

What is it?

Toilet cleaners clean and disinfect, or kill germs, in toilets.

What's in it?

You probably wouldn't think these cleaners have pesticides in them, but they do. The pesticide is the disinfectant. This type of pesticide is known as an antimicrobial pesticide.

The pesticide chemicals usually found in toilet cleaners are sodium hypochlorite or bleach.

What health and safety things do you need to think about when using toilet cleaners?

Toilet bowl cleaners also have other chemicals in them too, like hydrochloric acid. Never mix a toilet bowl cleaner with any other household or cleaning products. Doing so can result in poisonous gasses being released and cause very serious breathing problems. Always be sure when cleaning your bathrooms that the room has plenty of ventilation. Leave the door open and use the exhaust fan, if you have one.

Most disinfectant cleaners are very irritating to your eyes and skin and will burn your throat. It's a good idea to wear latex dishwashing gloves to help protect your skin from splashes when using toilet cleaners. If you splash some on your skin wash it off immediately.

All-Purpose Cleaner:

What is it?

An All-purpose cleaner is a kind of cleaner which can be used for many different kinds of clean-up jobs around the house (such as to clean windows, mop floors, or to clean kitchen and other appliances).

What's in it?

All-purpose cleaners may use many different kinds of ingredients, such as detergents, grease-cutting agents, solvents, and disinfectants. All-purpose cleaners can contain hazardous chemicals such as:


sodium hypochlorite

trisodium phosphate

Depending upon the ingredients used, all-purpose cleaners can irritate the skin, eyes, nose, and throat. They can be highly poisonous if swallowed. Some of these chemicals have a sweet smell which attracts animals and can poison them, too.

When using all purpose cleaners, follow these safety steps:

Wear rubber gloves to protect your skin

Be sure that there is good air circulation in the room.

Open several windows or keep a fan running.

NEVER mix two cleaners of different kinds together, especially if one contains ammonia and the other contains chlorine. This can produce a gas called chloramine, and breathing its fumes could be fatal.

Dishwashing Detergents :

What is it?

These products are detergents used to wash dishes primarily in the kitchen. These detergents are divided into two categories: automatic dishwashing detergents and hand dishwashing detergents. These cleaners are usually kept in the kitchen.

What's in it?

The main ingredient usually used in these detergents is phosphate.

Automatic dishwashing detergents have been known to produce skin irritations or burns. They are poisonous if swallowed.

Hand dishwashing detergents are more mild than automatic dishwashing detergents. If swallowed, it may cause irritation to the mouth and throat, and nausea but not death. Keep them away from small children to minimize the risk of accidental poisoning.

Window or Glass Cleaners:

What's in it?

The basic ingredients of window/glass cleaners are ammonia and isopropanol.

These products may be irritating to the eyes, skin, nose, and throat. If swallowed, they may cause drowsiness, unconsciousness, or death. Always wear glove to use these products and use in a well ventilated area.

Chlorine Bleach:

What is it?

You wouldn't think that ordinary chlorine bleach is a pesticide - but it is. Because it kills bacteria- and viruses it is called a disinfectant or an antimicrobial pesticide. And because it kills fungi and molds it is also known as a fungicide.

What's in it?

Standard household bleach contains the chemical sodium hypochlorite.

Liquid bleach in the bottle is a 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution. That means 5.25% of the liquid is the chemical sodium hypochlorite and the rest is mostly water. The number 5.25% tells you how strong the concentration of a chemical is. Look at the labels of other household cleaning products that contain bleach in your home. Some contain sodium hypochlorite or chlorine bleach in concentrations of .7%, 1.8% and 2.4%.

Never mix a chlorine bleach with any other household or cleaning products. Doing so can result in different types of harmful acids being formed. Poisonous gasses can also be released that will cause very serious breathing problems and even death.

Not only will the bleach damage your clothing but it is irritating to your skin and can cause serious damage to your eyes, even blindness. As with any chemical, your exposure to it is important to know.

Laundry Detergents:

Most Laundry Detergents contain 2 to 3 OSHA graded hazardous ingredients (ex: soda ash or linear alkyl benzene) at different levels. For example Dreft and Tide both have the same 3 listed OSHA hazardous ingredients just proportioned differently.Monoethanolamine (MEA) , is also a chemical commonly found in detergent. MEA is a surfactant, which enhances the cleaning power of a detergent.

SODA ASH is a skin irritant and often a cause of reactive dermatitis (Skin itchy rash).

“Allergic dermatitis (itchy rash) is the most common skin condition in children younger than 11 years of age and the percentage of children diagnosed with it has increased over 300% from 3 percent in the 1960s to 10 percent in the 1990s. (Amer. Acad. of Allergy Asthma & Imm, 2007.)

Furniture Polish:

What is it?Furniture polish may come as liquid, paste or in an aerosol. Each will contain chemicals that help in the application of the wax or oil to the furniture.

What's in it?

Furniture cleaners that are made for wood may contain petroleum distillates and oil of cedar.

Many contain phenols.

The chemicals in furniture polish may irritate your skin, eyes, and respiratory tract (that is your throat, lungs and wind pipe). If ingested, furniture polish can cause nausea, vomiting, and medical help should be sought. Make sure there is good air circulation in the room in which you use these products, that is have a window fully open. Using a fan in the window blowing out provides even better ventilation.

Phenol is an extremely caustic chemical that burns skin. Absorption of phenol through the lungs or skin can cause: central nervous system damage, pneumonia, respiratory tract infection, heart rate irregularities, skin irritation, kidney and liver damage, numbness, vomiting, and may be fatal.

Phenol is a very common chemical and is regularly found in the following common products:

(It is often used to make a product sticky or thickened)

air fresheners aftershave bronchial mists chloroseptic throat spray

deodorants feminine powders & sprays hair spray

decongestants mouthwash aspirin solvents

acne medications antiseptics calamine lotion cleaning products

detergents furniture polish hair setting lotions lice shampoo

polishes cold capsules all-purpose cleaners aerosol disinfectants

anti-itching lotions carmex cosmetics disinfectant cleaners

hand lotions lip balms sunscreen and lotions insecticides

cough syrups

Cosmetics & Skin Care Exposed

PLEASE, read below of the toxins that are in the products you use, along with a list of them.. Pass along if you would like

Formaldehyde Facts: (ATSDR)

CARCINOGEN - GENOTOXIN - Has many chemical names, used at different levels and strengths for preservative purposes can cause BIRTH DEFECTS, GENETIC DAMAGE

Quaternium-15 is a formaldehyde-releasing preservative used in many personal care products, along with those industrial/commercial types. There are different forms of formaldehyde found in products.

(Referenced directly from product Material Safety Data sheets or product's ingredients lists;

or from publishing's sited; Note + is from Mayo Clinic's Dermatology Dept, 1998)

**Some products have more than one form used!

THIS IS AN INCOMPLETE LISTING - Only the more common brands were chosen to be displayed.

Cosmetics & Skin Care Exposed


Almay Mascara - One Coat Thickening

Arbonne SNAP! 2 in 1 Eye Makeup Remover Pads

COVER GIRL COSMETICS- (some listed below.. too many to list)

Cover Girl Fresh Complexion Oil Control Makeup (all)

Cover Girl Professional Finishing Loose Powder (all)

Cover Girl Clean Liquid Make Up (Ethnic; Fragrance Free)

Cover Girl Clean "Fragrance Free" Pressed Powder; Pressed Powder; and Shimmer Powder

Cover Girl Fresh Look Pressed Powder and Clean Look Pressed Powder

Cover Girl Smoothers Pressed Powder**

Cover Girl Simply Powder Foundation

Cover Girl Crackle Lacquer

Cover Girl Invisible Concealer

Cover Girl Cheekers Fashion Blush**

Cover Girl Instant Cheekbones Contouring Blush**

Cover Girl Classic Color Believable Blush**

Cover Girl Shimmer Eye Pen

Cover Girl Smoothers Natural Lash and Brow

Cover Girl Eye Enhancers (satin, matte)

Cover Girl Remarkable Washable/Waterproof Mascara

L'Oreal Make Up Foundation â€" True Match SPF17

L'Oreal Mascaras Volume Mascara; Extreme Mascara; Full Definition Volume Mascara

Mary Kay Indul. Eye Gel

Mary Kay Endless Performance Mascara

Mary Kay Signature Concealer

Mary Kay Full Coverage Foundation

Maybelline Great Lash

Maybelline Foundation (Instant Age Rewind)

Maybelline Pressed Powder (Finish Matte)

Neutrogena Intensified Eye Moisture â€" 12 hr hydrating

N.Y.C. Bronzing Face Gel

N.Y.C. Lengthening Mascara

Oil of Olay Age Defying Series Revitalizing Eye Gel

Revlon Mascara â€" Lash Fantasy

Revlon Powder Blush


Almay Cleansing Lotions (oily and dry skin)

Almay Toner (oily and dry skin)

Almay Whipped Gloss Lip

Almay Pure Tints Protective Lip Care, SPF25

Arbonne Bio-Matte. Oil Free Moisture for Day, SPF 8

Arbonne Facial Scrub, Cleansing Cream, Cleansing Lotion

Arbonne Rejuvenating Cream

Arbonne Moisturizer Creams and Night Creams

Arbonne NutriMinC. RE9 Release Deep Pore Cleansing Masque and Reveal Facial Scrub

Aveeno Skin Replenishing Cleansing Lotion with Soy Extract, Fragrance Free

Biotherm Biosource (Clarifying Cleans. Milk / Foaming Invigorating Cleansing Water Soap Free)

Biotherm Hydra-Detox Moisturizing Detoxifying Wipe-Off Lotion

Caren et Cie Moisturizing Collection

Johnson & JohnsonClean & Clear Foaming Facial Cleanser

Mary Kay Timewise Age Fighting Moisturizer & Visibly Fit

Mary Kay Night Solution

Mary Kay Oil Mattifier

Mary Kay Moisture Cream

Mary Kay Hydrating Freshener

Matis Le Lait Enriched Cleanser

Max Factor Lipfinity Top Coat Moisturizing Lip Gloss Clear

Neutrogena MoistureShine Gloss

Noxzema Plus Cleansing Lotion, Plus Moisturizers

Oil of Olay Pro Vital Night Cream

Ponds Dry Skin Cream (regular; extra rich)

Ponds Clear Solutions Deep Pore Scrub

ProCyte Herbal Wash â€" and - Deep Therapeutic Cleanser

Revlon Moon Drops Extra Gentle Cleanser Skin Cream (for sensitive/delicate)

Revlon Moon Drops Soothing Moisture Cream SPF6

Revlon Eterna 27 All Day Moisture Cream

Revlon Age Defying SPF 8, Natural Tan

Revlon Age Defying Makeup SPF 8, Fair Blush

Sally Hansen Healing Beauty CornSilk Zero Blackheads Pore Cleaner

Ultima II Double Action Gentle Toner and Vital Radiance Toner

Ultima II CHR Gentle Cleanser and Cream Cleanser

Ultima II Vital Radiance Skin Renewing Face Wash

Zhen Papaya Face Scrub


Avon Passion Dance for Women


Avon NAIL EXPERTS Strong Results Length & Strength Complex

Avon NAIL EXPERTS Mira-Cuticle Vanishing Complex Antiseptic/Skin Protectant

Avon beComing NAILPHORIA essential cuticle conditioner

Avon ANEW ULTIMATE Hand and Nail Cream SPF15

Cover Girl Nailslicks

OPI Nail Treatments Start to Finish

Revlon Professional Cuticle Massage Night Cream

Sally Hansen Teflon Tuff Nails (liquid- all colors)

Sally Hansen Dry Kwik Polish Dryer

Sally Hansen Teflon Tuff Nails (cream )

Sally Hansen Teflon Tuff Grow Long Strengthener

Sally Hansen Maximum Growth and Maximum Support and Thicken Up


Aveeno Baby Essential Moisture and Calming Comfort Baby Baths

Baby Magic Baby Bath, Original

Baby Magic Lotion, (Calming Massage Milk; Calming Milk with Lav. & Chamomile)

California Baby Shampoo & Body wash Super Sensitive

Gerber Baby Moose Foaming Wash for Hair & Body

Gerber Teeny Faces Moisturizing Stick and Cream

Gerber Grins & Giggles Baby Wash For Hair & Body and Vapor Bath Menthol

Johnson & Johnson - Johnson's Kids Super Sudzer E-Z Grip Soap, 3 Bars

Johnson No More Tears Baby Shampoo

Johnson Baby Bedtime Baby Bath

Johnson Creamy Baby Oil

Johnson Baby Lotion

Johnson Baby Bath

(Original/Soothing Skin Baby Bath/Soothing Vapor Bath/Moisturizing with Aloe Vera & Vitamin E)

Johnsons Kids, Head to Toe Body Wash (regular / Tropical Blast) â€" and- Softwash Baby Wash

Johnsons Baby Shampoo (Honey & Vitamin E / 2 in 1 Detangler / Natural Lavender / Original)

Huggies Baby Shampoo

L'Oréal Kids Moisturizing Bath & Shower Gel, Very Gentle

Mr. Bubble, Bubble Bath (Original / Bubbleberry with Skin Soothers / Peachy with Aloe)

Mustela Baby Shampoo

Paul Mitchell Baby Don't Cry Shampoo

Pure Baby Shampoo

Seasame Street Bubble and Finger Paint Bubble Bath

Suki Baby Shampoo

Target Brand Baby Shampoo

Walmart Brand Baby Shampoo


Aqua Net Extra Super Hold Hairspray

Arbonne Conditioning Mist

Arbonne Protein Pak

Aussie Sprunch Spray and Aussie Instant Freeze Hair Spray

Aussie 12-Hour Hair Spray and Aussie Take the Heat Styling Spray

Avon Advance Techniques Straight & Sleek Dry End Serum and Color Protection Shamp/Cond.

Avon Planet Spa Mediterranean Olive Oil Conditioning Hair Mask

Avon Advance Techniques Daily Results Shampoo & Conditioner

Avon Brad Johns Color Save Intense Conditioner

Calvin Klein Shampoos

Clairol Shampoos+

Colgate Palmolive Shampoos+

Crave Shampoos

Dial Shampoos+

Freeman Botanicals Natural Hair Care: Hair Rescue and Humectant Plus Intensive Conditioner

Freeman Beautiful Skin Apricot / Sea Kelp Scrub

Jean Nate Shampoo

Liz Claiborne Curve

Matrix: Sleek.look by Matrix Smoothing System Shampoo

Neutrogena T/Gel Therapeutic Shampoo

Neutrogena Shampoo

Nexxus Maxximum Super Hold Styling & Finishing Mist

Paul Mitchell Foaming Pomade

Ralph Lauren Shampoos

Revlon Aquamarine Conditioner

Salon Selectives Conditioner Completely Drenched Moisturizing and Don't Fade on Me C.P.

Sebastian Shaper Hair Spray Styling Mist ; Root Raise Lifting Spray; Laminates

TIGI Bed Head â€" Curl Maker

Vidal Sassoon Alcohol Free Styling Gel Extra Hold

VO5 Hairspray


Arbonne Aromassentials ‘Awaken' and ‘Unwind' Bath & Shower Gels

Arbonne NutriMenC RE9 REsurface Shave Gel

Aveeno Body Wash, Skin Relief (with Natural Colloidal Oatmeal /and Fragrance Free)

Avon SKIN-SO-SOFT Original Bath Oil

Barbasol Shaving Cream

Cabot Vitamin E Anti-Stress Bath Soak (herbal)

Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser

Dial Daily Care Body Wash and Dial Antibacterial Moisturizing Body Wash

Dial Antibacterial Clean Rinsing Body Wash and Dial Body Wash Gentle Exfoliant For Daily Use

Dove Body Washes: Sensitive Skin Body Wash ; Dove Body Wash 12.0 ; All Day Moisturizing

Dove Essential Nutrients Creamy Foaming Cleanser

Edge Shaving Cream (all)

Imina Moisturizing Hand and Body Lotion

Ivory Moisturizing Body Wash

Mary Kay Bath and Body (many products from entire line)

Noxzema Sin Cream Pump Plus

Olay Complete Body Wash with Vitamins For Extra Dry Skin

Old Spice (Sensitive) Soothing Gel After Shave & Moisturizer In One

Old Spice High Endurance Body Wash Pure Sport and Red Zone Body Wash

Shikai Moisturizing Shower Gel for Dry Skin

St. Ives Moisturizing Body Wash

Softsoap Moisturizing Body Wash and Relaxing Body Wash With Moisture Beads

Vaseline Intensive Care Moisture Bath Beads (Petal Soft / Enriched with Aloe/ Vit. E/ Orchard)

Vaseline Intensive Care Foaming Creme Bath Botanical Garden

Watkins Mouth Freshener+

LOTIONS / Sunscreens /After Care

Aveeno Extra Gentle Cleansing Lotion

Aveeno Skin Brightening Daily Moisturizer w/SPF 15 & Radiant Skin Daily Moisturizer SPF 15

Banana Boat Sport Sunscreen

Banana Boat Aloe After Sun

Bath & Body Works Body Lotion (flowering herbs)

Clinique Sun-Care City Block Sheer SPF 15 Oil-Free

Clinique Sun-Care UV-Response Body Cream SPF 30

Clinique Sun-Care UV-Response Face Gel Lotion SPF 15 and Face Cream SPF 30

Clinique Repairwear SPF 15 Cream and- Lotion

Coppertone Sunscreen (Oil Free; All Sport)

Eucerin Q10 Anti-Wrinkle Sensitive Skin Lotion SPF 15

Keri Original Skin Care Lotion

Lubriderm Lotions (Advanced Therapy; Daily Moisturizer SPF15)


Arm & Hammer Ultramax Deodorant Antiperspirant Regular and Invisible Solid Stick

Arrid XX Ultra Clean, Antiperspirant & Deodorant Aerosol Clean

Arrid XX Antiperspirant & Deodorant Spray

Ban Classic Clear Gel Antiperspirant & Deodorant Powder Fresh

Ban Classic Original Roll-On Antiperspirant & Deodorant Regular


English Leather

Lady Speed Stick


Old Spice

Right Guard

Secret Antiperspirant & Deodorant Spray Regular Scent

Speed Stick

Sure Antiperspirant & Deodorant: Spray and Roll-On Unscented (also Original and Invisible)

HAND WIPES/WASHES (also baby wet-wipes):

Wet Ones Baby Take'm Along (Baby) Wipes

Wet Ones Moist Towelettes

Huggies Natural Care Baby Wipes Unscented

Huggies Supreme Baby Wipes

Huggies Newborn Baby Wipes, Fragrance Free Tub

Ivory Liquid Hand Soap

Jergens Extra Moisturizing Hand Wash

Method Hand Wash (all)

Pull-Ups Just for Kids Flushable Moist Wipes

Purell Sanitizing Hand Towels and Instant Hand Sanitizer Original

Softsoap Liquid Hand Soap (all)


CLEANERS - Household

Amway L.O.C. High Suds Liquid Detergent +

Amway Rug & Upholstery Shampoo Liquid Detergent

Dawn Dish Detergent +

ALL Plug In Air Fresheners (See EPA website)

Wizard Wick+


Four Paws Ferret Glow Shampoo & Deodorizer

8 in 1 Pro Ferretsheen Deodorizing Shampoo

Zodiac Organique Foam Shampoo for Dogs/Cats and 3 in 1 Beautifying Spray for Dogs

Hagen Tearless Shampoo for Cats and Hagen Flea and Tick Shampoo for Cats


Aleenes School Glue

Elmer's Waterproof Glue (Borden's)+

Radio Shack Anti Static Spray

Miracle Gro Indoor Plant Food Spikes 6-12-6

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A GREAT Update on my health!! :0)

Okay so my chest xray is negative..YAAY!! and my cancer marker bloodwork is LOW..just like we wanted..another YAAY!!...LOL and also went to the docs to talk about the ultrasound and he doesnt feel it is cancerous and NO need to mess with it now cause all of my tests are GREAT! :0) He said we will do periodic blood work and ultrasounds and if anything changes even just a little they will biopsy the spot in my neck..he feels it is just left over tissue from the surgery.. NO WORRIES!! YAAAAAAY!!! I am SOOO relieved!! :0)

On another note!! I have been doing GREAT with my wellness business!! I have reached my first promotion of Director in 2 short months!! :0) SOOO excited about the money this business is going to make me along with how many people I can help in preventing the devastation of cancer in their families!! If you want information or would like to watch a webinar..leave me a comment or email me at aceciab@wedeliverwellness.com.

Monday, September 27, 2010

A little bit of an update..not much but...

I spoke with the doc about my tests that were supposed to be done in early november which are a chest xray and my cancer marker blood work.. She said to get it done now.. So I have an appt for the blood draw today and waiting for the radiology dept to call back to reschedule the chest x-ray.. Hoping my cancer numbers are LOW!! I will keep you all posted on the results!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Some information on the HARMFUL Cleaning supplies Most commonly used!

Bleach (Liquid)Registered Pesticide
•Sodium hypochlorite-Neurotoxin, kidney and liver damage, severe lung damage, reproductive issues.
•Danger!Causes severe eye injuries. Can burn the skin, mouth, throat, and stomach.
•Vapors irritate the nose, throat, and lungs.
•Chlorine’s by-products are organochlorines and dioxins–dangerous to health and the environment.
•Dioxins are 300,000 times a more potent carcinogen than DDT (well known organic pesticide ). It bio-accumulates in the body –we cannot detoxify it.
•Vapors have been shown to interfere with brain function.
•Vapors have been shown to aggravate heart conditions and asthma.
•Suspect link to reproductive disorders
Multi-Purpose Cleaners
•Warning! Strong lung irritant. Can cause mild to moderate damage to eyes. Fumes can cause weakness and dizziness.
•2-butoxy ethanol
•Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether: listed by EPA as a possible human carcinogen[1]
Central nervous system, can cause depression, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, abdominal pain, lesions may occur in brain, lung, liver and meninges and heart. Possible bone marrow depression[2]
Irritant of eyes, nose and throat
Linked to cancer, reproductive disorders, kidney and liver damage. Can cause chronic lung irritation.
[1][U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) for ethylene glycol monobutyl ether (111-76-2) Available from: http://www.epa.gov/ngispgm3/iris on the Substance File List as of March 15, 2000]**QC REVIEWED*
[2][Gosselin, R.E., R.P. Smith, H.C. Hodge. Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products. 5th ed. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1984.,p. II-176]**PEER REVIEWED**
Disinfectant Sprays& WipesRegistered Pesticides
•Denatured Ethanol
–If inhaled or ingested causes Central Nervous System Depression
–Irritant to eyes and mucus membranes
•Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride
–Registered pesticide used for disinfecting
–Harmful by inhalation, ingestion & skin contact
•Orthophenylphenol (OPP)
–Carcinogenic, moderate skin irritant, immunosuppresion, headache, nervousness, blurred vision, weakness, nausea, cramps diarrhea, discomfort in the chest including sweating, miosis, tearing, salivation and other excessive respiratory tract secretion, vomiting convulsion, coma, loss of reflexes, cardiac arrhythmias, heart block and cardiac arrest
Note: It is suspected that phenols are contaminated with Dioxin (Agent Orange) a known carcinogen.
Glass/Window Cleaners
•Ammonia and isopropanol
•causes kidney and liver damage and tumors
•Diethylene glycol
•attacks the central nervous system, liver and kidneys
•Glycol Ethers
•causes reproductive disorders
Furniture Polish
•Silicones, butane gas and propane gas
•harmful if inhaled
•may cause brain damage
•depresses the central nervous system
•Ethanol-linked to cancers and damage to the lungs and central nervous system
•Linear allkylate sulfonates and sodium tripolyphosphates-left as a residue on your clothes, absorbed into your system through your skin and have been linked to liver damage and destruction of tissue and mucous membranes
•Nonyl phenol ethoxylate-banned in Europe, and was found to slowly biodegrade into even more toxic compounds. Studies have found that this surfactant stimulates the growth of breast cancer cells and feminizes male fish
•Optical brighteners-synthetic chemicals that convert UV light wavelengths into visible light, which makes laundered clothes appear whiter (although does not actually affect the cleanliness of the clothing). They've been found to be toxic to fish and to cause bacterial mutations. Further, they can cause allergic reactions when exposed to skin that is later exposed to sunlight.
•Artificial fragrances-made from petroleum, linked to various toxic effects on fish and mammals, and often cause allergies and skin and eye irritation
Laundry Detergent Powder/Liquid
•Phosphates-Phosphates are inexpensive water-softening agents, that enter our lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams through the many detergents that we wash down our sinks, dishwashers, and washing machines.Just one 45 ounce bottle of the leading automatic dishwasher detergent has enough phosphates to produce 200 pounds of algae.The overgrowth of algae on the surface reduces the penetration of light which eventually leads to a lowering of oxygen in the water.This results in the death of fish which disrupts the entire aquatic ecosystem
•Chlorine bleach-mixes with hot water, toxic volatized chlorine fumes are created, which are then be released into the air in your home as a steamy mist.Common symptoms from breathing chlorine fumes include headaches, fatigue, burning eyes, and respiratory irritation.
•Alkaline-burn skin, mouth and eyes; etches dishes and “clouds” glassware
•Diethanolsamine-poisons your liver
•Naptha-cancer, lung damage, lung inflammation and damage to mucous membranes, depresses and damages your central nervous system
Dishwashing Detergent Powder/Liquid
•Quaternium 15(formaldehyde)
–Carcinogenic –known to cause dermatitis, cancer, kidney and liver damage
•1,4-dioxane, TEA, DMDM hydantoin and quaternium-15 which releases carcinogenic formaldehyde known to cause dermatitis, cancer, kidney and liver damage.
•Chlorine bleach-mixes with hot water, toxic volatized chlorine fumes are created, which are then be released into the air as a steamy mist.Common symptoms from breathing chlorine fumes include headaches, fatigue, burning eyes, and respiratory irritation.
•Alkaline-burn skin, mouth and eyes; etch dishes and “cloud” glassware
•Diethanolsamine-poisons your liver
•Naptha-cancer, lung damage, lung inflammation and damage to mucous membranes, depresses and damages your central nervous system
•Phthalates-impact birth outcomes, including gestational age and birth weight, fertility (lower sperm production), and anatomical abnormalities, related to the male genitalia, early puberty
•Quaternium 15(formaldehyde) -Carcinogenic –known to cause dermatitis, cancer, kidney and liver damage
•DEA, TEA, MEA -Hormone disruptors, cancer causing agents,
•Propylene Glycol-Neurotoxin, dermatitis, liver and kidney damage
•Phthalates-impact birth outcomes, including gestational age and birth weight, fertility (lower sperm production), and anatomical abnormalities, related to the male genitalia, early puberty
Personal Care Products
Eye Shadows

•Coal Tar Dyes–Carcinogen, allergen
•Mineral oil -a petrochemcial derivative, dimethicone, and silicone oil to make the powder stick to the eyelid.
•Cream eye shadows contain petrochemicalslike paraffin and petrolatum, coal tar and lanolin–They are carcinogens and allergens which also contain pesticide residues.
•The glitter in eye shadows is created by adding pure aluminumwhich can cause violent allergic reactions in some people, as well as possibly entering the eye and causing injury to the cornea.
•The Consumer Agency and Ombudsman tested 49 eye shadows and found that all of them contained lead, cobalt, nickel, chromium and arsenic.And the amounts used are causing allergic reactions and hormonal disruptions.
•Mainstream lipsticks are composed of synthetic oils, petroleum waxes and coal tar dyecolors –all of which are carcinogenic and easily absorbed through the skin
•phenylmercuric acetate(preservative made from benzenes and mercury that can cause blisters, skin irritation and allergic reactions
•Polyurethane(plasticizers) –linked to cancer
•Polystyrene sulfonatewhich can irritate eyes and disrupts hormones.
Nail Polish
•toluene and xylenewhich are known to depress the central nervous system, produce headaches, nausea and narcosis
CosmeticsCosmetics made in the U.S. contain so many caustic, harmful chemicals that Europe and Japan will not let them be sold in their own countries due to the extreme adverse health risks!
•FD&C Blue #1: Carcinogenic.
•Artificial sweeteners (ie. Saccharin, aspartame) Carcinogenic.
•FLUORIDE, possible carcinogenic,
•A cumulative poison. Categorized by the FDA as a "toxic drug". The 1984 issue of Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products lists Fluoride as "more poisonous than lead and slightly less poisonous than arsenic". Lead has a toxicity rating of 3, Fluoride has a toxicity rating of 4 “Most toothpastes contain a number of slow moving poisons that accumulate in your body and lead to toxic overload” . Consumer Advocacy Group

Ultra sound update

So I had the ultrasound on monday.. the doctor called me first thing tuesday morning.. Turns out there IS something in my neck that doesnt belong :0( SO I have to go back to the see the ear, nose and throat doctor who did my surgery to take out my thyroid. I have an appointment with him on October 7th. Hopefully it turns out to be nothing. .They have to do either a biopsy or cut it out. I say go straight for cutting it out.. I dont want to take any chances but of course I have to see what the doctor says. I will keep everyone posted on that. With that being said.. my passion to help PREVENT CANCER has increased quite a bit.. Please do some research on the products you use so you can see how HARMFUL they are.. I am going to post some information on here so you can do some research yourself. I can help make your home and the environment MUCH SAFER!! As much as 90% of childhood cancer may be explained by environmental exposures. The incidence of childhood cancers jumped almost 27% between 1975 and 2002. So DONT risk your childrens lives because the tv makes everything sound so wonderful!!! The chemicals you use in your household are VERY TOXIC and I can help you!! Not only can I help your home be safer but I can also help you SAVE MONEY!! SO you get the best of both worlds!! Everyone wants to save money!! If you choose, you may also MAKE MONEY from home! :0) Ask me for info at aceciab@wedeliverwellness.com

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

An update on my health

Recently I found a tender spot in my neck :0( I didn't tell the doc right away cause I was thinking the radiation would take care of it for me since it is still working in my system til September 23rd at least. it isnt going away and the radiation is finished tomorrow so I called the doctor. I wasn't supposed to have an ultrasound until the beginning of November but since I am feeling something they said to get it done as soon as possible. I have an ultrasound of my neck tomorrow which is Thursday September 23rd..I am hoping they only find an lymph node growing back or something. I will keep everyone posted on that, when I get the results.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Helped a Pregnant Mom today make her pregnancy MUCH safer for her and her baby after reading an article on how 240 chemicals have found their way to the womb and how dangerous regular cleaners can be!! If you would like your home safer just ask me for information! You can send an email to aceciab@wedeliverwellness.com Read this article about toxins finding their way to the womb...

Friday, September 10, 2010

Whats new lately

Wow its been a while since I posted.. since june.. Well lets see.. I have gone through radiation which was a bit lonely feeling..I had to be isolated from my husband and kids for 7 days and I couldnt be within 2 arm lengths of anyone so I had to live at my parents house for a week.. They were gone most days so I was alone..I did ALOT of reading cause i couldnt do anything else.. couldnt even play with the animals :0( couldnt touch anything that anyone else would touch basically.. Had to eat on paper plates and plastic silverware and couldnt prepare food. It was a good break but felt like I wanted to help to earn my keep cause they took such good care of me :0) I missed my kids and husband terribly.. I did get to talk to them on the phone but I had to miss my big girls birthday :0( I guess I would rather miss just one than a bunch right? :0) I didnt have many side affects from the radiation.. just my taste buds were off for about a month.. lol I will take that over being sick ANY DAY!:0) It has been tough going through the adjustments of my thyroid medicine because when they docs change it, I feel achy for about a good week. I think they have it down good now though.. Have to get blood rechecked at the end of this month. I also have to get my cancer marker test rechecked when the radiation stops working- it works for 3 months in my system. So the end of september will be 3 months. HOPEFULLY the level is below 1.0 I am anxious to find out. I also have to get an ultrasound of my neck and chest x-ray in November and also back to see the endocrinologist then too. So just playing the waiting game at the moment, but I will make an effort to update on here regularly. :0)

Recently I started something new. I was presented with a wellness company that can help keep my family healthy with all natural cleaners, hair care, make up and vitamins. Since I have been taking the vitamins I feel GREAT! :0) As a matter of fact dont think I have ever felt better!! I feel my kids are much safer too with out all the harmful CANCER CAUSING chemicals we were using before. We do NOT need anymore cancer in this house so I will do ALL I can to help prevent it!!!! So if anyone wants info on that you can email me at aceciab@wedeliverwellness.com I am still with Ameriplan and helping my team :0) So if you would like information on that too, then email me at aboeckmann@ameriplan.net If you are interested in working with either Ameriplan or the wellness company, let me know.. I will be more than happy to help you! :0) I am going to be posting some information about Ameriplan and the wellness company on here so keep an eye out for it! Questions about anything are always welcome..even if its about my condition ;0) Hoping everyone has a wonderful weekend!! I will post again soon!

Monday, June 7, 2010

May-27 through june 7th

My team is still working hard.. There has been ALOT of new updates with me from my surgery.. Turns out the pathology report isnt as good as hoped.. I have been diagnosed with papillary carcinoma with follicular variant (thyroid cancer). So it has been tough with doctors appointments and LOTS of phone calls to specialists to work as much as I would like to. I am still doing the best I can with the time I have. I have enrolled some more people since my last post:0) So things are still moving along! I have to go get some radiation and more docs appointments in the next few weeks.. So I will be squeezing work in between those visits when I can.
I saw that myself and some of my team members were on the top producers list for the month of may!! GO TEAM!! :0) I am soo proud of them for working so hard! They are continuing to work hard during the extension of the promotion. I cant wait to see them on the list again for next month!
I lost a few pounds since I last posted about it.. I havent tried. I am thinking it is from the new meds I am on for my thyroid and that fact that i am eating breakfast everyday as where before i didnt. Gives my metabolism a jump start for the day! :0) Thats all for now.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

For the passed 2 weeks...

ALOT has gone on since the passed 2 weeks.. I was out of commission for a bit because i had to get my thyroid taken out.. but still working in between the cracks of doctors appointments and such.. Enrolled 2 or 3 more new brokers since then though so we are still on a roll.. as far as losing any weight goes that is at a stand still with the surgery and what not. Started doing some team calls to help out the team and that is going real well. I am really enjoying it!! My team is working hard. My newbies are getting through all of the training and advertising already.. they are all doing GREAT! :0) Looking forward to seeing what the last few days of the promotion brings for my team. Should be great!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The past week May 4- May 7

WELL this week has been AMAZING!!! My team is TOTALLY ON FIRE!! We added 6 new brokers to our team and 1 new member. 3 of those brokers and the member I enrolled personally. So my advertising, this promotion and my email blasts paid off!! :0) This week has been SOOO EXCITING I could scream..lol I am VERY proud of my team and their hard efforts during this promotion. I can't wait to see what the rest of the month brings!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Last Few Days

Okay so I have been slacking on posting on here the last few days.. there is a good reason for that:0) We are having a broker promotion with Ameriplan and its ONLY $9.95 to start your own business.. This is the lowest price I have seen!!! SOO I have been doing LOTS of prospecting getting people lined up for the promotion which starts TODAY!! I have I think 4 YES's for today. I just sent out a blast to my entire contact list so hopefully that will bring more yes's! I will post later about how today went!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 17

Got alot of presentations in today.. They prospects want to get started at a later date :0) Thats okay.. They will come back around! I also left a lot of messages too!! I posted on facebook and did an email blast and also helped my team out :0) I Have a lot of people in the works for enrollments.. Gonna follow up with them tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 16

Today I got a lot of presentations in with some pretty good prospects. I am excited that my ads in the paper are working REALLY well.. I have had 7 calls since Saturday on it for both IBO and members :0) I posted some ads responded back to a bunch and also helped my team today! I am very proud of my hard working team!! They are all on a mission and I am looking forward to helping them :0) Tomorrow is going to be a productive day with lots of follow ups and also calling lots of fresh leads!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 15 (April 25,2010)

So today I posted some more ads and I actually had another member prospects call me since yesterday..That newspaper ad I have is getting to be quite popular! :0) Gonna follow up with the 2 from yesterday, tomorrow. I posted on my social network too and also responded to all of my ad responses. I also helped one of my team members.

I didnt do so well on my losing weight stuff this weekend.. I had some junk food I shouldnt have but thats okay. Tomorrow is a new day to kick start it again!! :0)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Days 13 and 14

On day 13 I was a little out of sorts because I had some errands to run and also team call to host so I was off schedule. I did get some calls in though. Not as many as I would like to have but some is better than none! I make an effort EVERY single day to do something for my business. Even on saturday and sunday :0) I dont do calls on the saturday and sunday but i post ads and respond to emails and help my team if they need it. And of course if someone calls me I will talk to them! I followed up with one of my REALLy good prospects, she is supposed to start sometime closer to 5/11 so I am looking forward to having her join me team!
On day 14 I posted ads and got a pretty good response. I also did some local marketing and got to put out a bunch of brochures and postcards! When I got home I had two messages, one for an IBO and one for the benefits :0) I spoke with the one for being an IBO and she sounded really interested.. she is gonna call me back after dinner. The other needed to call me back because it wasnt a good time. I am looking forward to getting alot more responses from the ads i posted today! Gonna respond to them tomorrow so I will have opt ins for monday morning!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Days 11 and 12

So the past couple of days were very productive! I enrolled someone into secure net as well as added a new team member :0) I also reached my 5 pound weight loss goal! I have been jumping on the trampoline with my kids to get more exercise and drinking more water and eating even healthier :0) I have 2 people who should be starting today and tomorrow hopefully :0) 1 will for sure! I am excited about my progress so far during these 90 days! Its amazing how things can change when you get focused and stay focused and give your all for just a little while! I am excited to see some MAJOR changes in my business and my health in these 90 days:-)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 10 and 11

So I forgot to post yesterday but i posted ads and responded to a bunch of emails so they can be lined up for this week and also helped my team :0) I didnt work out yesterday but i did eat good and also drank water!

Today I jumped on the trampoline with my kids for about 15 minutes or so. THAT is a workout!!!...lol I am definitely gonna work that into my schedule. I am SURE it will help aid in my weight loss! I ate healthy today! Gonna get on the Wii in a while to see if the scale changed :0)

I left a bunch of messages today. I spoke with two VERY good prospects that both should be starting within the next couple of days :0) My banners are up and running today so I am excited to see how they work!! I will keep you posted on that. My marketing on facebook has been working well. I have been getting at least 1 opt in a day from there :0) I have some people lined up to talk to for tomorrow and I still have leads coming in from the ads I posted on Saturday!! I am looking forward to a productive and successful week!!! :0)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 9 (4-17-10)

So today I worked out on the Wii and found out I lost a little over 4 pounds! I set a goal to lose 5 pounds by April 26th so I am well on my way to reaching that goal :0) I have been doing good eating healthy stuff and staying away from soda. I havent had any soda now for about 3 weeks. Gonna work out again tomorrow.

I sent out 750 emails today and posted some ads too and my response is pretty good so far.. It gave me around 30 people so far that are lined up to start the new week off :0) I posted some stuff about work in a new spot today so we will see how that works out. I also paid for 2 banners to be put on a site that should be up and running soon. I am looking forward to seeing how that turns out! Going to respond to all of my responses tomorrow so they will be in play for Monday.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 8

Well I had quite a few conversations today.. i talked with 4 people and left 8 messages. A couple of those 4 are still thinking about it.. We will see what happens. I also left messages for a few follow ups from yesterday. Posted on facebook and the one of the other sites i normally post on too. I am gong to post on my other sites tomorrow. Later tonight I am going to send out a bunch of emails and also do a blast. i will write more a little later. I have to run!....

Well I am back. Gonna put some techniques to work in the morning and see how they turn out :0) Hopefully it will get me lined up nicely for Monday morning!
Still eating healthy and trying to drink lots of water :0) I lost 3.5 pounds last time i checked! I am on my way!!..

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day 7

Well my day was a little out of sorts because I had a doctors appointment to go to today, so I was off schedule. Did a lot of running around today BUT I did get to talk to a few people (not as many as I was hoping for but i will catch up tomorrow on those) The few that I talked to seem VERY interested! The one said she was more than likely going to get started tonight -I have been talking with her about it for a while so I a SURE she will :0) The other one I spoke with, I believe she was seeing her dreams come true while I was talking to her! She wants to get started either tonight or tomorrow. She wants to talk it over with her partner. I spoke with another who wants to do some research and will get back to me.. not sure on that one though. We will see. Gonna work out on the Wii here when I am finished with this and I get my kids to bed :0)I am looking forward to a VERY productive day tomorrow. I have about 6 fresh opt ins or more and also someone who is a follow up that is supposed to start tomorrow that I spoke with about a month ago :0) So Enrollments are going to be plenty!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 6 (April 14-2010)

Had a productive day today working from home :0) I put some new advertising techniques into play today and I am excited to see how it pans out. I have been doing ALOT on facebook lately and I enrolled 1 from there yesterday and got an opt in from there today :0) So I am happy with that! I have a bunch of fresh opt ins for tomorrow and a few I need to follow up with tomorrow afternoon as well as on Friday :0) I am REALLY excited about how these 90 days are going to turn out! I have a good feeling that some GREAT things are going to happen in my business for this challenge!! I drank 3 glasses of water today and ate alot fresh fruit too! It is sooo hard to drink water.. I would rather not have anything at all..lol But I am trying! Gonna shoot for 4 glasses tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 5 ~ April 13, 2010

My 90 day challenge efforts are paying off. I enrolled a new broker today which was one of the people I was talking about in my post from yesterday! I have a few more to follow up with tomorrow and some fresh ones to talk to too! I also have some to follow up with on friday. :0) I got on the mom site i was telling you about today and did some posting on there. I am looking forward to that paying off as well- considering its the site where I found this opportunity to begin with. Figured I would go back to where I found it, since it worked for me, it can for someone else too! I didnt work out today but I will tomorrow.. first thing! I stopped drinking soda to help aid in my weight loss so I will let you know how that works out! I have been doing good with not eating too much junk! I have been trying to cook healthier too. Only cook with olive oil and no butter if i can help it :0) Lots of fruit and fresh veggies!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 4

Today was a VERY productive day compared to the last few:0) I posted a bunch of ads, responded to about 25 responses or so Talked with 5 people 2 for members and 3 for brokers... I have 2 people for brokers who I think will start in the next day or so and 1 I know is going to start near the end of the week. The one member wanted to look things over a bit and the other asked how to get started so she has that information. So I am looking forward to adding a few people to the books this week :0) I also worked out for a short while today as well as accomplished 10 out of 11 things on my list for the day! So overall I would say today was a very productive day!! :0)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 3

So today i posted alot more ads in hoping I will get a good response by tomorrow. The one ad I posted was deleted but I have gotten some response from that one already and hopefully the others will bring in more response while the evening goes on. Spent some time with the family today and also spoke with a couple of people about working.. I have one who is still on the fence so we will see about her and another who is supposed to start VERY soon.. Hopefully tomorrow!! :0) Gonna work out tomorrow and work on sticking to my schedule so everything is productive!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day 2

I did pretty good today getting things accomplished :0) I posted about 15-20 ads today and responded to a bunch of emails. I am still awaiting the approval for the new mom site i joined, so I will be doing some networking and advertising on there when I get in! I got some personal development in too as well as stuff done around the house.. Did some cleaning and planted some plants in the flower garden the girls and I made. Part of my goals and time management stuff is to spend good quality time with my girls so we walked today and I played on the trampoline with them for a while. I worked out for 45 minutes today AND the kids and I went for a walk down the road! I did have a couple of glasses of water today.

Family Medical Benefits... $39.95/month by halraur - Free classifieds in 600 US cities and 60 countries, and 50+ categories

Family Medical Benefits... $39.95/month by halraur - Free classifieds in 600 US cities and 60 countries, and 50+ categories

Friday, April 9, 2010

Day 1

Okay my first day didnt go as well as I hoped but thats okay I will tweak it til I accomplish everything I need to!!
I had 12 things on my schedule and I got 7 of them done:0) I did have a little late start because I was creating this blog this morning instead of doing other stuff so tomorrow should be much better!!
I ate healthy all day today and drank a couple of glasses of water. Tomorrow going to exercise and try to drink 5 glasses of water- I REALLY dont like water but I know it will help in reaching my goal!!
I made a few calls today but not as many as I would have liked to because I didnt have enough people to talk to so I posted some ads today as well as found a new mom site to join which should help in the lead department :0)
Tomorrow I am going to stick to my schedule better and get things done accordingly. I am also going to try to do some local marketing tomorrow as well to get more leads!

A Bit About Me!

I am a Work At Home Mom! I have 3 beautiful girls ages 7, 6 and 4 and I am married to the most Wonderful Man! They are my 'WHY'! Two years ago I started working for an Amazing company called Ameriplan so my husband wouldn't have to work so hard and so I can stop telling my kids' "We cant afford it." I am getting closer and closer everyday to reaching my goals with this company. Right now we just started a new 90 Day Challenge and I posted this blog to keep track of my progress over the next 90 Days.

My goals for the next 90 days are as follows:
~ Triple my residual Income
~ Enroll at least 2 Brokers every week
~ Work on time management and staying focused
~ Workout at least 3 days a week
~ Lose 10 pounds

I have made a new daily schedule that will help with my time management and should help everything fall into place :0)

So there ya have it! I will be keeping a log of how my progress went every day. So check back everyday to see how I am doing! GAME ON!!